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Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
(co-ordinating institution)

The Berlin Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, headed by Prof. Dr. Michael Bolle, has been conducting research in the field of European economic policy-making, European integration and comparative studies since 1998. Its faculty, which includes a Jean Monnet Chair, and staff combines a widespread professional background in economics and political science, various fields of interests and experiences in research as well as in practical work.
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Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of the University of Sussex

The Sussex European Institute is a Graduate Research Centre at the University of Sussex. The achievement of designation as a Centre of Excellence is recognition of the growing strengths of the Sussex European Institute which is now clearly established among the leading research and postgraduate centres in Europe dealing with the study of contemporary Europe. The EC funding that accompanies this prestigious status will be used to enable the Institute to expand its links with the world of practice and applied expertise. In particular, the Institute is developing activities with the media to enable academic insights to be fed into the public debate and the development of policy.
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Jean Monnet Centre of Exellence, University of Szczecin (Poland)

Szczecin University is situated in the geographical, political and communication centre of Europe, almost directly on the Polish-EU border. This unique location influences the University's international policy to great extend.
Since the European dimension of studies is of great concern to the authorities of the University, European aspects of research and teaching in all subject areas are particularly emphasised. The Jean Monnet Chair has been established at the Institute of Political Science and permanent courses as well as a European Module with focus on legal, political, economic and social issues of European Union countries have been introduced within the framework of Jean Monnet Project for Poland as an integral part of the curriculum.
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Centre for European and Transition Studies (Latvia)

The University of Latvia is a significant education, science and culture centre, where the leading study and research potential of natural sciences, humanities and social sciences of the Republic of Latvia is concentrated and developed.
The Centre for European and Transition Studies is an integral part of the University of Latvia. The main objective of the of the centre is to promote and support research and teaching in areas relevant to Latvia`s place and future in Europe. Additional the Centre want to enable university graduates to create a comprehensive understanding of the European processes and to make students aware of European identity, which in turn will enable graduates to use and pass on this knowledge in a post-university working context.
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